Melycitus alpinus
Porcupine Bush
About this plant: This unusual dense, flattened, sprawling and very hardy shrub really does resemble a porcupine. Its’ short stiff interlaced leafless branchlets even have spikey tips.
Planting Description: Suits rocky soils in full sun, though it will grow on any well-drained soil.
Mature height ,8m
Porcupine Bush
About this plant: This unusual dense, flattened, sprawling and very hardy shrub really does resemble a porcupine. Its’ short stiff interlaced leafless branchlets even have spikey tips.
Planting Description: Suits rocky soils in full sun, though it will grow on any well-drained soil.
Mature height ,8m
Porcupine Bush
About this plant: This unusual dense, flattened, sprawling and very hardy shrub really does resemble a porcupine. Its’ short stiff interlaced leafless branchlets even have spikey tips.
Planting Description: Suits rocky soils in full sun, though it will grow on any well-drained soil.
Mature height ,8m